With less than a week till the organised chaos that is the MAFVA Nationals at Duxford, it would be good to hear a head count on who is coming to the event. That is apart from the known exhibitors and the traders of course.
This year we will be missing some traders, but will have some new faces with us. Needless to say the marquee will be full to bursting, so cannot accept any more bids from traders or branches/clubs.
A list of traders is on the Nationals page of the website, although this does need updating. in ligt of late bookings.
If you are exhibiting, and using the exhibitor car park, you need to be parked up before 09.00hrs. Any vehicles left near the marquee will be dealt with by the security team and it will not be pretty.
Health and Safety has caught up with us, so a Risk Assesment team will be carrying out their tasks in the morning. Please cooperate, we have no choice if we wish to continue using the site.
The Tea Stall will be in operation as usual, working on a donations basis. The more it makes this year, the more will be on offer next year, so be generous.
Likewise the Tombola will be running tempting you with the chance to win a dinosaur or two.....
Competition entries will open at 10.00hrs, closing at 13.00hrs, with judging comencing shortly afterwards. The presentation of prizes will commence at 16.00hrs. We are expecting the usual heap of kits for prizes, so try your luck, you may go home with an armful of kits.
If you have any queries regarding the show, either ask here, or e-mail me at [email protected] . If it is regarding the competition I will forward the question to the relevant person, either Kompetitionsfuhrer Robert Lockie, or Chief Judge John Ham.
We share the day with the Military Vehicle Show (which I intend to see this year!), the Military Book Fair in the American Air Museum next door, a Flying programme and of course the rest of the Museum. Do take time to visit the new "Airborne Assault" exhibition in the Air Space hangar (At the far end by the M11 motorway). A small taste of what they are hoping to have at Duxford since the Parachute Regiment Museum at Aldershot closed.
See you all there hopefully, and have a great day!
Paul Middleton
MAFVA Liaison Officer