I have resurrected another old favorite from my past. This one is the Tamiya T-72. I made this in 1992 right after Desert Storm. This was before there was much out there for aftermarket stuff (we are so spoiled today). The Tamiya kit is still a good one but like all kits, much can be done to improve the basic model. I spent many hours adding electrical conduit and new mounts to the smoke launchers, also added a bunch of small parts to the turret (especially the 12.7mm MG). Everything was made from stretched sprue and plastic scrap. No PE or resin on this baby!
It took the lead spot on my model shelf for many years but at some point, it was deemed obsolete and transferred to the basement "boneyard" for long term storage. I ignored it for years but this week for some reason, my old models caught my eye and I decided to dust them off (this took quite a while) and snap some pics of them.
Anyway, here she is....
