I had planned to do some work on this today but I got carried away doing some gardening. I've kinda gone back to the drawing board on the layout of the buildings.
Phil: I want to keep the triangular formation as it is and I want the walls to reinforce that triangle. I'm designing this like a stage set so I can nearly live with the illogical spacing of the buildings but I would like to close off the rear of the dio- like a backdrop in a theater. One of the ideas I'm considering is to have the Para carrying his mate coming down a flight of steps. I don't really want to make the base any bigger for just 4 figures.
I'm going to play around with this a little more before making a final decision. I have a 25 kilo bag of plaster so I can afford to experiment a bit
Henk: I realise that the wee friends paras are carrying all their kit- the idea is that this is the first day with the paras moving towards the bridge. I don't think they would have shed their gear until they stopped moving and dug in. I cut away the rope from the rifleman as I have never seen any photos of Paras at Arnhem carrying rope even as they moved off the drop zone. I'm planning to keep the base clean with no rubble or shell damage to the walls.
On the subject of paras dumping gear I'd like to see some para figures without webbing like this
Anyone looking for a good book on the battle should read "The Devil's Birthday" by Geoffrey Powell.
Frank, you're right about the big guy getting the role of carrying his wounded mate, I was the biggest guy in my platoon and always ended up carrying the GPMG or whatever other heavy gear needed to be carried