Well I think its time to start the Apartment ruin build blog. So here we go.
I've not exactly figured out yet were I'm going to use this piece, time frame speaking. Like I stated in the review your only limited by our imagination with this piece and the Stucco/brick fausat, face, opens that door.
This is the first time working with Hydrocal plaster, so I wasn't sure how it would take to some sanding down the high spots on the interior walls of the kit. Unlike the Verlinden kits I've used before, this was something of uncharted territory.
To my surprise, the kit took the 220 fine grain sandpaper quite well. The Hydrocal is softer than the Verlinden kits I've worked with in the passed. Not alot of elbow grease needed to sand down the high spots.

Anyways, here the results.