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Ahh I knew you would post here sooner or later Gino. Just a wierd question, Is an HC an HA the same or are they actually different? Was just curious.
Not Gino but...
The Heavy Armor (HA) was the first version of the M1A1 with Depleted Uranium mesh armor replacing the Special armor in the turret and hull. They were built between 1989-1990 in the Detroit and Lima Tank Plants and were fielded to Army units before and after Operation Desert Storm. The USMC "rented" a battalion of M1A1HAs from the Army to equip one, possibly two of their tank battalions, 2nd Tanks and 8th Tanks(???).
The Heavy Common (HC) followed the HA series and had the modifications that the USMC specified (improved turret & hull electronics, the wading stack flange on the exhaust and some other mods that I can't seem to remember right now) incorporated into a HA tank.
One easy Identification point between the HA & HC tank is the additional antenna mast on the right rear side of the turret that is used for EPLRS radio system (Edited per Master Tanker Mike Mummey's comments below). The USMC and Army units without EPLRS have the mast capped off.
AIM tanks are M1A1s with the DU Armor and all the modifications applied to the tank, such as Blue Force Tracker systems, GPS antennas, improved intercom systems, reinforced driver's and loader's hatches, laser resistant sights and vision blocks, etc...