As mentioned by earlier responses, there was T-34/76 Model 1943 hexagonal turret tanks present at Berlin in 1945. However, all of the photos I have seen show the later versions with the copula on the turret (rather that the double hatched “Mickey Mouse” version).The Tamiya kit does have optional parts to build this version, but as others have mentioned, it’s not the most up to date kit. Dragon recently released a T-34/76 hexagonal version, but it represents a much earlier “soft edge” turret version produced in 1942.

The above photo shows T-34/76 from the 4th Heavy Tank Regiment (a Polish Unit) during the Berlin operation.
Because the eastern front was such a meat grinder, it was rare for vehicles to stay in action longer than a few months. Most of the earlier tanks (especially the KVs) were destroyed by 1945, and production had strongly shifted away from the 76mm version in favor of the 85mm by the beginning of 1944. While not impossible, earlier Russian tanks were rare near the end of the war. As the pic above shows, many of the older surviving tanks ended up in foreign service within the Red Army.