Armor/AFV: Allied - WWII
Armor and ground forces of the Allied forces during World War II.
Hosted by Darren Baker
Sherman Side Protection
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 20, 2009 - 09:14 AM UTC
I need some help,

I'm in the process of building the M4A1 Early Version 75 mm by Dragon, and like everyone else I like too think ahead on the build, so what I'm thinking is putting extra protection along the sides and on the turret but I really don't want to used sandbags or at least that many(which i know they were used).I'm needing something different, something that might have been thrown on real quick by the crew or by a maintenance crew.

Does anyone have any ideas or ref. pic I could use or know of a site I can go to and look for something different .

Any help would be greatly appreciated .
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New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 20, 2009 - 01:18 PM UTC
Ive seen pictures with logs attatched to them (in Europe),and planks {in the pacific}.I dont remember where Ive seen them ,but, I
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Monday, July 20, 2009 - 01:40 PM UTC
if you can remember where you saw them that would be great............That's the setting I'm trying to get one that's in the winter time in Europe.
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Illinois, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 01:56 AM UTC
http://www.wwiivehicles.com/usa/tanks-medium/m4a3-photos.asp " TARGET="_blank"> http://www.wwiivehicles.com/usa/tanks-medium/m4a3-photos.asp

Here's an A3 with logs.
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Texas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 02:45 AM UTC
tree trunks:

wood planks:

spare track links:

second tank has links on side too:

I've even seen cast concrete used, but can't find a picture of that online right now

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Rhone, France
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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 03:12 AM UTC
Concrete armor (not on a M4A1 75mm ..):

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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 03:33 AM UTC
Thanks guys, this is exactly what I was looking for.

I might go with the cement/log comb, I will post when its done.

Again thanks for the help.
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California, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 04:07 AM UTC
On page 60 of Sherman at War by Zaloga there is a picture of an M4A1(75) covered with Sommerfield matting. I still have trouble telling early from middle and late M4A1s, but it has an older 75 turret with the cheek patch. The matting looks a lot like cyclonr fencing. The tank also wears duckbills and a hedgegrow cutter--an interesting combination of features.

On page 14 of the same book is another M4A1(75) called "Weenie One" with a couple sand bags on the glacis plate and thin logs along the side. It seems to wear Earth Yellow over OD camo and probably meets all your requirements. It does not seem to have cheek armor (cast in or added). A quick google search revealed this is an early M4A1 and comes as a decal option in DML 6048! The Squadron Sherman book apparently has another picture of the same tank.

On page 15 is an M4A1 with some tracks on the glacis plate and thin logs on the flank decks. It has the M34 style mantlet and seems to lack any form of cheek armor.

Page 13, similar to above, two tone camo, no cheek armor, M34 mantlet, spare track on glacis.

Page 44, US Tank Battles in North Africa and Sicily, M4A1 with tracks on glacis plate and white counter-shading under the barrel.

I believe many of those early M4A1s ended up in Italy. That may provide a basis for further searching.

Good luck with your project!

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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 01:34 PM UTC
Thanks......I ordered the book today online and should have it in a couple of days and Yes I have changed my mind for the 101 time.........Cement/log combo............go figure. I'm looking for something and I guess I will know what i want when I see it.

Will keep everyone updated.

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Connecticut, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 12:25 AM UTC
Not an early M4A1... 2nd AD in Beggendorf, Germany (November 16, 1944). Picture taken by Joseph Karr, US Army Signal Corps.


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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 01:46 AM UTC

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tree trunks:

wood planks:

spare track links:

second tank has links on side too:

I've even seen cast concrete used, but can't find a picture of that online right now

The one with the tracks on the side and front can anyone ID the track types on it. I don't think these are U.S. tracks could they be a German type but what kind. I can't tell maybe possibly from a Panther and a Panzer.

Does any one have any ideas????
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 01:53 AM UTC
Churchill track- it was common to see it on U.K. and commonwealth tanks.
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 02:00 AM UTC
Thanks Chris

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Churchill track- it was common to see it on U.K. and commonwealth tanks.

That makes sense, but what are the one on the front next to the Churchill tracks are they from a German vehicle. looks like tracks from a Sdklz half track of some sort?

Thanks Mike
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 02:53 AM UTC
OK after looking at the photo more closely on a different program, the ones one the front of the Sherman to the right are from a Churchill. but not the one on the side and left front of the vehicle. These are form a different tank and I can't see from which, Like I said could it be from a Panther or a Tiger.

If anyone else can help ID these tracks please let me know.

Thanks Mike
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Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 07:14 AM UTC
Doubt they are Panther/Tiger tracks. Churchill tracks are given as 558mm, Panther as 660mm and Tiger is 725mm. The tracks on the picture look smaller than the Churchill's to me.

Panzer IV have around 400mm but the tracks don't look right with those long metal strips joining them. Maybe one of the Halftracks, the 251 looks somewhat similar
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England - North East, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 07:35 AM UTC
They're all churchill tracks:

The ones on the right of the picture (on the left hand side of the sherman's glacis) are face down.

And the other ones (on the right hand side of the shermans' glacis and down the right hand side of the sherman) are face up.


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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 08:57 AM UTC
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spare track links:

Now let me make sure I have the right picture.
I can see the ones on the right of on the front might be from a Churchill tank.... but the other ones don't look like anything like the first. Even the shape are not the same.


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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 09:08 AM UTC
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Quoted Text

spare track links:

Now let me make sure I have the right picture.
I can see the ones on the right of on the front might be from a Churchill tank.... but the other ones don't look like anything like the first. Even the shape are not the same.


OK OK everyone they are the same I had to open the picture where I could adjust the contrast and hue and clor and everthing else too tell they are the same............ sorry for the confusion.
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Victoria, Australia
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Posted: Friday, July 24, 2009 - 12:03 AM UTC
Hey Mike I advise caution if depicting the logs to be used as 'protection', as the later war Sherman photos from Germany etc. show these logs lashed together on the hull sides, but their primary use was for either unditching or to be laid down as matting for the same purpose.
As for the concrete, I'm pretty sure I've only see it poured onto the glacis plate and not the sides.
The Marines Sherman photo with the wooden planks fitted to it's sides were used so as to hamper the use of magnetic mines by Jap. soldiers in close quarters jungle fighting.
Tank battalions such as the 14th AD had specialised frames welded to it's turret and hullsides in an organised program of uparmourment, but you mentioned that sandbags weren't an option so I won't mention it
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Florida, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 24, 2009 - 02:08 AM UTC

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As for the concrete, I'm pretty sure I've only see it poured onto the glacis plate and not the sides.

Sorry Brad but some did have concrete filled in under the wooded planks, this from a tank they found in 05 on Iwo;

Unless you were refering to just the tank pictured in the previous post.
And just to throw another in;

Cargo matting.


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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 24, 2009 - 02:39 AM UTC
Hi Brad,

I would have to agree with you on logs and cement ......the sand bags are the way to go.......since after reading the book Sherman in War by Zaloga( great source of pictures)......But I would say the sandbags frames that were wielded to the sides of Sherman later in the war when the treat of Panzerfaust and Panzerschreks was greater than German armor since it became less common on the battlefield.

The Sherman I'm building will depicts one after the D-Day invasion in July 1944 from the 2nd AD outside of Coutances Fra.

I actually found a photo of what I was looking for and the strange thing about it, the picture shows a M4A1 with applique armor...........go figure.......will post a picture later.

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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 24, 2009 - 06:31 AM UTC
Here is what I'm going with, all this fuss and and I'm adding applique armor...........go figure,

I have the build here


Thanks for everything guys I do appreciate it. will use the photos for other Sherman builds

Again Thanks
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Kansas, United States
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Posted: Friday, July 24, 2009 - 06:35 AM UTC

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Here is what I'm going with, all this fuss and and I'm adding applique armor...........go figure,

I have the build here

http://put.url.here http://armorama.kitmaker.net/forums/142906

Thanks for everything guys I do appreciate it. will use the photos for other Sherman builds

Again Thanks