Since these are M1A2 Abrams SEPs, then they are part of III Corps. By the barrel names, the unit should be B Company (all start with "B"), but then you have to find out if they belong to the Armor Battlalions/Squadrons under either the 4th Infantry Division, the 1st Cavalry Division, or the 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment .
Echelon Fine Details has a set with "Boba Fett" as part of the 4ID:
US Army 4ID M1A2 SEP Barrel Names & Bumper Codes, D356023 . Unfortunately, I cannot tell which unit designation goes with which name (from Echelon's posted web info).
4ID supposedly had/has the 1 Battalion, 65 AR Regt (1-65 AR), 1 Battalion, 66 AR Regt (1-66 AR), and 1 Battalion, 67 AR Regt (1-67 AR). The 4 ID's webpage has unit history for the 1-67 AR which states "...The 1st and 3rd battalions are assigned to the 4th Infantry Division IRON HORSE, 2d Brigade Combat Team, Fort Hood, Texas..." so there may have been a 3-67 AR prior to the BCT Reorganization.
That would make the tanks part of either B/1-65 AR, B/1-66 AR, B/1-67 AR or B/3-67 AR.
I hope this helps, some...