many of you may have noticed the wooden brigde kits published by the russian company Bastion 35. Since the the anouncement, I'm sticking around with the idea of building a diorama which shall include one of those bridges. The setting will be infantry and a Panzer III Ausf. Jof the 16th Panzer division on their advance towards Stalingrad in July 1942.
The bridges of interest are:
W 3502 - Bridge constructed by German field engineers H Class (for heavy loads)

W 3505 - Summertree kneebrace bridge
H Class (heavy loads)

But there is one question that remains and I weren't able you get answered until now: Will one of the bridges above carry a Panzer III with 24 tons?
During my researches I came across the definition of light german bridges (8 tons) and heavy german bridges (16 tons), but these were in most cases ponton based ones and no "solid" wooden bridges as the ones above. I also found various pictures showing german AFV bypassing the bridges by driving directly throw the water beneath.
Are there brigebuilders out there?
Thx in advance.