There seems to be more improvements coming to Stryker.
"The US Army plans to improve its fleet of Stryker vehicles with the introduction of improved suspension, increased power generation and distribution, implemented by new power management systems. According to COL Christopher Lockhart, TRADOC Capability Manager, Stryker Brigade Combat Team, since the deployment of Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) in Iraq, Stryker vehicles have been continuously fitted with new electronic systems, including power guzzling Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) jammers and gunshot detection systems. These systems rapidly drain the vehicle's power reserves, particularly when operating 'Silent Watch' with engine turned off. To sustain Silent Watch over extended periods, the introduction of an on-board auxiliary power unit is planned. The suspension will be improved to sustain loads up to 24-27 metric tons (55,000-60,000 lbs.) "