I have completed most of the construction of the figures and done most of the painting. I am trying to follow the box instructions but the painting guide leaves a lot out. Fit of the figures was excellent with only a couple of very small gaps that were easily filled. I scribed along the seams, belts and harness and removed a couple of straps to modify with paper strips.
My first attempt at German camo.
The downside of the kit is in the heads and gear, especially the weapons. Two of the figures dont have ears but instead large blocks. The kneeling figure has these blocks almost around the back of his head. I had to carefully sculpt a basic ear shape out of this. You could also use a tissue to make a balaclava or knit hood as one of the other figures is wearing. I also carefully shaved off the mold seams on the weapons, evened out the mis-alignment edges and re-scribed along all the lines. I can't get my camera to focus so no close up shots are available right now. A new one is enroute. I'll post better images when it arrives.