I'm itchin' to get going on mine too! Oktober 1st is so far away!!!
I see no reason why prospective modelers can't begin gathering their material together now. T2000 Campaign subjects encourages some radical conversion efforts - wouldn't want to waste any time gathering items and information by waiting until the launch date. Naturally, no model can be finished before the Campaign
begins however to be eligible for a Ribbon Award. We do have a Ribbon already selected - consult the
Ribbon Bank - and a version with Clusters for those who build more than one for T2000.
I'm going to model the M948 LARS (Light Artillery Rocket System - MLRS "Junior") as my first entry in this Campaign. I'm going to convert the AFV Club M730 Chaparral FAADS and scratchbuild the LARS Launcher Box for the rear deck. I also set aside the GaZ-66 Truck too - I'm planning on doing something Soviet too

- but I haven't decided exactly
what I'm going to do with the GaZ-66 yet. I do have some other secret projects in the planning/gathering material stage too...
I have one burning question:
My books are old - like all you guys who still have them. What is with the US camo colors?!? In my books I have what looks like a purple color - surely it isn't purple - 'ya think?
Thoughts, suggestions, want to open it up and include MERDEC or NATO tri-color - or stick to what is drawn in the books? Either way, I'm gonna have fun with it, even make purple work if that's our group consensus.