Thank You William. These images will helpfull for me.
In december 2008 I start my project with Humvee. I want draw all variants, now I have some 23 variants. Next I want use these drawings for create computer 3D models for conversion sets. Now I work on M1037/1042 with S-250/G shelter. Because the drawings are the property of mime, plans to make available modelers for free, In any scale.
Today I work on M1116. On photos, that I have, I find five channels, but I don't know how are long. I think, that on roof will some fixtures for baggage.Therefore I need photos of roof. For USAF M1145, I know that it don't has weapon ring, but I have only photos from Prime portal. on these photos can be seen, that on roof are same fittings, maybe for antennas.
If anyone finds an error on my drawings, he can write me about it. I will be grateful to him.
Here is my current work: