The conversion will probably work with any kit, considering its just a matter of adding stuff to the roof I cant see it being a problem. You may have problems with the side skirts though, but perfect scale dont even represent these accurately, the front side skirts are replaced with metal sheet, wheres perfect scale have them molded as the original armoured skirts. Personally I think the legends kit is better, but you will have major problems trying to fit that to the Academy kit.
As a note as well, the Academy kit is far from perfect, the tracks are wrong and you will need to source new tracks, I believe there are dimensional issues with turret if that bothers you, check out Pawel Vodniks Abrams comparison here: Tbh if you want a decent accurate TUSK the academy kit isnt the way to go, no is (in my opinion) the perfect scale conversion. Id suggest the new Dragon kit with the Legends TUSK conversion. As your wife bought you the Abrams for your birthday it might be nice just to build it ootb and have some fan practicing painting and weathering, and save the TUSK for a better kit.