I should be recieving my starting point(1/35 GMC 6x6 Cargo Truck) soon. I intend to turn this into a WW2 style gun truck. Not the 'Nancy' truck of Vietnam. I have plenty of pics and can scratchbuild the truck with some styrene and .30 and .50 cal. mgs along with ammo boxes and pe ammo belts. The only thing I am in need of is the crew. I know that the figures are readily available, but thought I would check here. I just don't want to have to pay an arm and a leg and hand over my first born as surety. If anybody has the figures, I would be willing to buy them for a fair price or trade for some WW2 magazines and old Fine Scale Modeler mags. Please, it has taken me four months to get the truck. I am so close I can taste it. TIA