Well, my plan is to kit-bash a circa 1991 M1IP Abrams as deployed to the Republic of Korea. I was there at the time as a wet-behind-the-ears butter bar assigned to the 1st Brigade staff. Our brigade commander at the time had 'acquired' for himself an Abrams to serve as his command vehicle when he went forward with the tac (he also had a M113).
For this project, I have Dragon Panther II (for the hull), a Trumpeter M1A1/A2 5 in 1 (for the turret), a Tamiya M1 (for the main gun and references), Armour Track Models T-156 workable tracks, and several other minor AM parts.
I plan to paint in the NATO/CARC woodland scheme (as the division had received the tanks in 1990 with the new paint scheme), and make my own vehicle markings using clear decal sets.
So far I have built the hull basically OOB:
Now ready to move on to the turret. I am using the Trumpeter turret as base, but modeling the blow-off panels from the Tamiya.
Here's my plan:

Am I forgetting anything?