Hi Alan! Yes thats the one, I had seen images flashing around on banners at various websites for ages but hadn't seen an actual release date or review yet.
I would be interested to get my hands on one of these and see what its like. I must admit the reference photo on the box art doesn't really tell you much or show much, it would be nice to see a figure made up and not just a sprue shot to get a better impression. From my experience though I have always found ICM kits to be very good. I especially like their 1:48 plastic figures, those had some wonderful detail so I have high hopes for this 1:35 set.
Rob I know what you mean! It's easy to find lots of stuff on WW2 uniforms and earlier even (Tsarist), but finding good books that cover modern Russian Uniforms is rather tricky. I suppose a major issue since the end of the USSR is the drop in military spending in post Soviet Russia, which has resulted in a lot of reused gear, hand me downs, and eclectic mixtures of uniforms and equipment. Still it's good for us modellers I guess, gives us good artistic license!