I've only seen the pics in the Track Link thread in December 08 but based on those, I formed the following list -- some are small, some not so small:
1) infantry telephone shouldn't be on rear bulkhead
2) drive differentials are a later type (like Tamiya) but should be early type
3) odd interpretation of headlights
4) turret roof .50cal should be on loader's hatch ring: I'm not sure but the kit seems to have it on a single post mounted to roof center
5) Front fender support should be triangular
6) circular vents on fender boxes should be removed
7) kit should have modified gun tube lock like the real T26E4. I don't know if the production kit will have this.
8) kit has later T26E3 engine latches, should have T26E1 engine latches
9) add lots and lots of weld beads and flamecut edging to the supplemental armor
I think it'll be a very popular kit. At a recent IPMS show, there were two Super Pershings-- one from the AccArmour kit and another using the MB models kit on the table. It's gotta be one of the most exotic US tanks of the war, IMHO.
Builders should be aware that the "2" and "A" seen in some photos of the Super Pershing were postwar additions, not used by the crew in combat. FYI