Thanks for taking a look Darren. Price...yeah, a big factor to me. Even at Lucky Model, this set is $23USD compared to the 'premium' set I reviewed
Here for $40. 17 bucks extra and a whole lot more
As far as the height issue, I took a few different ways to determine this....all very un-scientific. First was scale line drawings, second was surviving vehicle photos, and third was using the DML kit these are designed for. The line drawings were easy, just match up. The photos I used reference points, such as the U-shaped upper level base and how much the lower level shell container extended past it. I also used bolt/rivet spacing to see which would come closest to the real deal. The best match I came up with ended up to be the DML styrene ones....good work on Dragons part.
Hmmm...comparing different brands is tricky, as I feel they're all good! And of course it all depends on what part you're using as far as how difficult it is. I find Griffon bends with a little less effort than Aber, a little more resistance than Eduard and Voyager. Can usually get a couple of 'ooops' bends before the brass breaks. Engineering on their kits is well done to minimize an abundance of microscopic parts, and even with my limited ability I can use about 95% of the big kits.