Hi Guys,
Latest progress on the set. I'm almost finished the 3rd bearer. I decided to add 4 small metal rods to the stretcher and drill into the bearers hands so that when the set gets fixed to the dio it will have more strength. This also allows a bit more flexibility when coming to position the fgures.
As you can see there is a slight issue with the 3rd bearer, and I have his foot on a bit of raised ground to even him out. Whether this is my building, the use of the brass rods for the stretcher handles or whatever, sitting on the flat wasn't really working. It's not a major problem, on the dio they will be crossing a muddy track so they will be plenty of time to get the setting correct, but again another reason for using brass handles on the stratcher.
A bit more painting and finishing off do do, the the results so far are pretty good - I think?
