One of the things I was looking for for my airborne dio were kneeling/crouching figures. I wanted some chaps who could either be unloading the airborne containers or perhaps setting up a Vickers MG.
No bespoke para cerw exist for the Vickers MG so I had a look at the possible figure options that might work.
The Resicast 75mm Gun Crew is a 4 figure set, with 3 kneeling and one bend at the waist figure and I though they might do.
Two of the figures are close to two of the crew form the mortar set, but with subtle differences, the 3rd kneeling figure is new to me and the 4th bend figure a slight reworking of an earlier figure.
Looking at the dress and make up of the set, two of the kneeling figures have webbing, the 3rd just a para smock and the 4th bend figure is in BD.
The two with the webbing could I think be used with the vickers MG, in the act of setting it up. The chap with the para smock might make a good doctor/medic or alternatively be used unloading the containers. The 4th chap I'm a bit unsure of but no doubt will find a home.
The only alteration that should ne necessary is the replacement of the hands, which come cast to the shells for the 75mm.
