I own the Iwata Eclipse HP-BCS and HP -CS ( Gravity feed ) airbrushes. I will never again use any other Airbrush but Iwata. 100% reliability, quality and awesome performance ! One needle takes care of all my fine line to broad spray patterns. Like zero cool mentioned about his Badger, it just feel's RIGHT to have an airbrush with perfect balance & weight in my hand. Another thing is that I have used the Azteck and I just don't get the "fine hair-lines " as I do with my Iwata's, all the better for detailing and camouflage patterns. My HP-BCS cost me $79 and my HP-CS was $89 at BearAir (
http://www.bearair.com/ ).
My advice to you ....... if possible ? ... is, like me, see if you can first try a few different Airbrushes out for your own satisfaction. It was the key factor in making my decision, and a good one. Oh, and since you do live in America,
BearAir will let you purchase any airbrush and try it out for 45 day's and if your not 100% satisfied FOR ANY REASON, you can return the the airbrush for a 100% refund or exchange for another of your choice. I'm not trying to take away from the Azteck ... it is a good airbrush, but I found quite afew differences between it and the Iwata's. You just might like the Azteck better, as some do.
All I'm saying is try them out and judge for yourself. 2 -1/2 years ago my mind was "dead set " on buying an Azteck .......... until I tried an Iwata. The truth is the Passche VLS and Badger 150 were my 2nd and 3rd choices. Fortunately I had friends who had all these AB's and were happy to let me try them and I did alot of research for about a month before I made my decision. Here is GOOGLES web page for " Choosing the Right Airbrush " It's full of many different articles. You might want to check it out.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=choosing+an+airbrush&btnG=Google+SearchGOOD LUCK & ALL THE BEST TO YOU
- ralph