Really great looking model!
This is not Rivet Review Board, but I hope no-one will mind if I add some mildly critical comments

As others already wrote, your interpretation of MERDC scheme is very cool, although probably not strictly accurate. M106s were painted in the same way as regular M113s - the "official" camo pattern for M113 / M125 / M106 is here, in Sabot's Motor Pool gallery: there was much more freedom in applying MERDC scheme than there is now with NATO scheme, so your version is probably just as good as any other

Also as others mentioned, the interior of the M106, except for the driver's seat area, was painted OD. Also interiors of all hatches should be OD, not camouflaged.
And one more thing, but I'm not 100% sure about it - I hope someone else can confirm it or correct me: - IIRC with MERDC schemes bumper numbers on vehicles were not painted on light background, just directly on camouflage with black paint.
All in all, your M106 is just one great looking piece of hardware!

Best Regards,
"Armorama Accuracy Police Officer"

P.S. Just noticed that this is my 100th post on Armorama. I think I should celebrate it somehow