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Martin. This vehicle is coming along nicely.
Per your request, please consider the following items.
Try some light drybrushing on the rivet tops with dunklegelb or a light mud color to make them visually "pop".
I think the tools look just fine as you have them.
As Dave mentioned, it appears to have a sheen (could just be the pics though).
Martin, the passenger front tire appears to have the glue seam sticking out fairly prominently---if so, you might want to attempt to remove with some light sanding and touch up painting, or try plopping some more mud on the seam to cover. If I'm completely out to lunch here Martin, I apologize.
I like your mud effect on the suspension and tracks --- they look down right dirty!! :-) :-)
Dave aka SS74 usually checks back on all these threads, so I'm asking Dave if the front lights are ok on this vehicle. Just so you know Martin, Dave is a German armor specialist and constantly gives me tips on proper "lens" treatment on my builds, so I was curious about the base paint coat on the front of these vehicle lights. I'm just curious on this Martin, and am not saying what is or is not appropriate, because I don't know.
This vehicle looks very good Martin. It is obvious you have put a lot of effort into this and its coming along just great.
ps: I agree with Dave---you could put this on Rivet Review---as a rule (in my opinion) threads there seem to get a lot more views and comments.
LOL, Martin, Lord WWH read me like an open book. God, I need to change my styles!
Now comes to the Lens, I had checked my books, these two head lights which should be of clear color. it's too far down the build that you can drill/hollow them out, so I think you can paint the surface a silver/chrom color, then apply some future on it to achieve a glass feel. In the future you could drill them out, then paint the inside cup silver color. Then apply testor's clear glue for clear parts. just pour them in, once it's dried, it will have the glass feel.
There are another kind of head lights in the half track that has a slit in the middle, this one is painted the vehicle's over all color.