As part of our Twentieth Anniversary contest, Wings & Wheels Modelers are presenting four special awards we call our Masters’ Challenge. We will be awarding the appropriate version of these special trophies to the best Ford Mustang, the best P-51 Mustang, the best Sherman and the best Vietnam Era US Figure.
Any scale and variation of these subjects are welcome. These will be judged separately from the rest of the entries.
As a additional incentive, we will give a free limited edition 20th Anniversary T-shirt to the first 20 entrants who are not members of the club. A limited number of additional T-shirts will be for sale at the club table.
As we have been doing for the past several years, we will feature open judging in the following categories: Super Juniors (12 years and under), and Intermediate Juniors (13 - 16 years old), and Stock Painted Figures, Modified Scratchbuilt Figures, Vignettes And Dioramas , Collections (3 To 8 Related Models), Scratchbuilts Or Major Conversions, All Small Scale Military Vehicles, Tracked 1/48 & 1/35 All Eras And Types, Wheeled & Half Tracked, Towed & Immobile Artillery. Traditional 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be awarded in the rest of our classes. Click here for a full listing.
As always, we will have a well stocked vendor room with space for nearly 50 tables, a great raffle, hot food on site and easy access to I-90 and I-91 in Chicopee MA.
For more information or vendor reservation/information, please contact [email protected].