Looking good. The M113 is looking pretty nice. There are a few nit-picky accuracy issues though.
First is with the soldiers up top. They are not in the right uniforms for OIF. They should have on either older PAGST or the newer IAB body armor like the figure that came with the kit. All soldiers that went into Iraq wore either one or the other. Also, the guy wearing the boonie cap should have a Kevlar helmet on. We don't wear softcaps in combat. Lastly, the radio on his back is the old AN/PRC-77 which was phased out in the mid-'90s. The main issue with them is that they are ODS ('90-'91) era figures with old gear and such. To update them, you could get a set of Dragon's newer US Marines or one of Trumpeter's newer sets with IBAs and change out the torsos.
Next is the color of your gear. All US issued ruck sacks come in green (with the exception of a few small rucks that are radio carriers and are in woodland camo). All the ones you have on it should be green. The same is true for the duffle bags on the side in desert and woodland camo. They too should be green. The sleeping mats (tootsie roll looking tubes) should also be green, Tamiya got that wrong too.
A couple corrections on the M113 as well. First, the tail lights are incorrect. Only the upper left oval should be red. The lower left slit and two slits on the right (upper and lower) should be black. They are part of the blackout drive system. It should look like below.

Lastly is the square opening on top of the driver's hatch. It should not have netting in it. It is for the driver's night sight and is empty when the site is not installed. There is a hinged door on the inside that closes it off.
Here are some examples of US Rucksacks, duffles, and a sleeping mat.
Large rucksack:

Medium rucksack:

Small rucksack:

Woodland Camo small ruck radio carrier:

Duffle bag:

Sleeping Mat:

M113A3 of 1 ID, 2004, loaded with gear in Iraq:

Hope that helps. Its coming along well. Keep up the good work.