Pictures of a pre-serie Ic hybrid kit can be seen on
http://www.primeportal.net/models/nuremberg_2010.htmAs sherman fan and like most of you, I am always happy with anything new about the M4. And this Dragon new Ic can't be anything else but better than the old Dragon's Firefly Ic (9037). I built two so I can remeber...). This release will also be ahead of the last "orange box" (nothing new in it, except the new DS track and the para figurines, is not it ?)
But I am working on turning a Dragon M4 Composite PTO into a Firefly Ic and the new upper hull is not as perfect as expected. For sure it is much nicer than dragon previous try in 9037 (overdone surface, recessed lines...). But the new front section looks a bit to squarish to me and few details are still wrong compared to differents plans (Hunnicut, Firefly from barbarossa book...). For example, at the front on the right (view from the tank), the circular base is not raised enough and located too much on the exterior...
I did build the old ADV/Azimut conversion (with italeri and old Dragon Vc parts), I also updated the former Dragon IC with the beautiful Formations Model composite upper hull and if it was not the price and the fact that resin is not so easy to manage (for me, I mean) , I will also had given this new project a boost with an another hull form Formations model.
Also answering to one of you expecting an M4 17 pdr, may I advice him to buy a Dragon brand new M4 kit (in normandy on the box) and fiting it with a great Firely turret from ABM or Formations models ? I am also working on that , and it is sending my old Tamiya M4 "Firefly" back to the middle age...