Ok, let's see what went on last night. A little bit of Schwimm work and a whole lot of ground work. The base had been setting for about 24 hours, so it was firm enough to hold onto, I gave the sides a coat of my leveling compound and shot the gound with some cheap deparment store acrylics.
I mixed up a little white glue and water then dabbed it on and sprinkled static grass in sections.

I shot that with a little more color, added some tall weeds, and some short weeds.

I think I may need some more medium height grass up by the fence, I don't know, what do you think?
The Schwimmwagen finally got it's prop last night too!

I was kicking around tossing some branches for camo on the Schwimmwagen, so I pulled out an old wire bush...

...chopped off some branches, coated them, painted them, and glued on some leaves...

...and stuck them on the back, didn't like that, so I moved 'em up to the bow...

I'm still not sure if I'm going to use it or not, I'm thining of trying some smaller leaves and see I like that better. That's for later though, for now I just need to mop up the little odds and ends and get this baby finished.
JDM if all goes well this little schwimmer is going to the AMPS show in Indiana in a couple a weeks. Alex thanks for following along on this one I hope was both entertaining and informational.