Yer OK I know the desert is hot and sunny but is does get bloody cold at night!
The point is I have some figures that came with a kit. I would like to use them, but dont want to make a uniform boo-boo.

The KD shirt AFAIK didn't have long sleeves. KD long trousers were worn , both issue and privately purchased. At night Battledrees blouses pullovers and Greatcoats were worn.
Do you have a pic of the figures in question?
Jerkin! thats what its called!!!
Thanks for that.
My Gunner has Kept his trousers and jerkin on. So either hes been to busy to change or something.
If he looks totally out of place I can always use it an other time.
Seams to be a consenses that they would have their kd shorts and shirts during the day (in summer) ordinary drab battle tops and trousers at night. jerkins if you had one or a great coat, also in drab.
A question regarding CO's hats. I have one set saying paint it flat black, an other says mid stone and a third says khaki. which is right, or are they all right, depending in which reg/div/unit they where CO for? Maybe its a rank thing.
Any one able to shed a bit of light on that too.
it aint hakf hot mum. Now thats worth a re-run.
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