I started this kit about 5 years ago and after a transfer and 3 house moves finally got it to this stage - which I have to call finished. The original plan was to do a dio similar to Jan's (Mr Mox). However a quick look at the size of the piece of timber for the base and my display cabinet shows the over optimism of my project. So until I get a bigger display cabinet it all has to stay in 1 piece.

Photo 3 gives a rough idea of the layout I plan to ultimately use.
I added wiring to the engine using evergreen rod and fine copper wire for the fuel and (I assume) electrical lines. I also used dots of oil paints to achieve a streaking effect on the turret and vertical tank walls. I can't say that am overly excited with the result. Mig pigments mixed into Tamiya acrylic thinner were used for the tracks and also to dirty up the interior.