Me again...don't worry I'm about to slow down for a while...I've got 8000 bails of hay to bring in in the next few weeks so modelling time will be kinda cut short..
Here what I got done today ...
First of all Tasca did not do its homework too well on the bogies.. Jim Wechsler over on Track links built this kit and noticed a little mistake ..The bogies come looking like this...

but should look like this..

It's a simple fix of just cutting off the top sticking out of the bolt and drilling a small hole instead ..
I built up the bogies but instead of adding the foam pieces that Tasca provides, I used .40 evergreen styrene cut to fit ..

I sanded the wheels and then took a rough file and banged up the rubber on the wheels to represent the ware and tear of the dessert on the wheels ..

Tasca doesn't furnish the very early covers for the gouser boxes but I noticed that Dragon had left them on the sprues of their M4 Normandy kit which won't be used . So with a bit of sanding and patience I got them to fit ..It wasn't a perfect fit but if you look at pictures you can see that they can be a loose fit ..

I also fixed the rear lights that were sitting on a big blob of plastic...I filled in the hole and glued the light in a more realistic way .. I also added the lifting rings ..

I used the PE from the Tasca kit but had to cut it to size to fit the new gouser covers and then painted the inside of the gouser covers with some black paint to make sure not to see unpainted plastic on the finished model ..

To the front of the hull I added the DV ports and added a bit of Mr Surfacer to the corners just to smooth out the fit but after sanding there is no putty to be seen ..great engineering on the part of Tasca ! I added the fron lifting hooks and the MG ..I also sanded down a line that was too pronounced for me on the sides of the hatches ..this was discussed on ML about a month ago and his pictures were quite convincing ..Not hard to do,it just took a few swipes with some sand paper and all is well..

I forgot to take a before picture but you can see the line on their mid M4A1 kit ,just to show the difference..

And last but not least I made handles for the front hatches and filled and sanded the holes for the springs that were not used on these early shermies...

Well thats it for me today !
all comments good or bad are welcome