Great work here guys !
I'm about to put primer on the Polish 1st Div Sherman V
@ Stefan - the paint came along quickly there and the sandbags are looking great ! The Camo is first class !!! Congratulations

A great project !!!
@ Timothy - thanks for the extra pics
@ Bill - I like the OD, and the show through Camo is a little different ! Bravo ! Now that you've near the end all of your hard work is paying off. Are you doing some figures too ?
@ Jan - welcome to the Campaign, good start
@ INDIA11A - nice progress and dust, make sure you post pics in the Campaign Gallery.
@ Zaidi - very fast progress !! You have got through the painting etc very quickly. The chipping is a tad harsh IMO, it's hard to know exactly how much was on VERY weathered Shermans, but from all reports the paint was quite robust. Perhaps a wash will curtail the chipping a little ? The tracks will need to be tightened so try to get them tight along the top (no sag) when you fit them permanently. Keep up the good work mate !!
@ Andrew - Good progress, I use the same process, paint the lower hull, then fit tracks, then I do the upper hull

@ Chris - great photo. Keep up the great work over there (including modelling) mate