Hi folks,
Well the buidl is underway. The first thing to say is that these are very, very small parts

. I put a 1p coin in the pics to give you an idea.
Part 1 of the build is the engine, made up of 8 parts!!

This went together fairly easily although I did cut off the end nodule on part 40 but part 26 still fitted OK so no major cock up there.
Next came the wheels. You get a nice little jig to shapr the PE spokes. First time I've tried something like this, reasonable result the next one will be better I hope. Use parts 36 and 35 respectively to press the PE down into the jig and then add the wheel, reverse the process this time fixing parts 36 and 35 respectively inside the spokes.

Next I added the petrol tanks to the frame, best leave the pedels off at this point as you need to press the frame together when you have added the 'inside bits'. I needed to drill out the small end of the PE chain, do this before you remove it from the PE fret to avoid breakage as happened on my first effort.
Study the plans carefully and build the interior from both sides as appropriate, then lock the two frames together.

The container is straightforward with some PE to be added, just follow the plans.

Only part I had trouble with was part 29. I think it needs trimmed down a bot more to fit properly but hopefully I can add it before I move on.
The handlebars and seat need added next along with the exhaust and final fittings. This isn't a hard build just very trickey because of the tiny size of the parts.

I'll build one bike erected and one closed and see how they turn out.