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Of all the 15, I would go for German army one (Item Number: DML6185). It is the early variant that has all the parts to make a soviet version (except decals).
HTH, Dmitry
Hi Dmitry.
The Beute is the only kit I have never bought. My first choice is 6418 for the early kits, because it includes both cast and welded turrets, aluminum barrel and a decent fret. My understanding of the Beute kit is that is was no more than 6205 with additional parts for the turret top.
Next generation would be any of them, really. 6564 has a slightly better upper hull, extra parts for the rear plates but no aluminum barrel, and ten cast rubber-tired wheels. The other two (6424 & 6487) include different wheels, not the same options with rear plates, but an aluminum barrel. Flip a coin.
Of the T-34-85s, the most useful kit is 6266, which is basically a common wartime configuration. 6319 has late wheels, etc, and is essentailly a 1945 tank.
Thos would lbe my picks, anyway.
I forgot about the other: 6355 is the only decent STZ tank. Mutter... mutter. 6452 is an excellent kit, but of a fairly limited version in that those wheels didn't last too much longer. 6479 is a reasonaby sound kit of a 1943 Sormovo T-34, and has the wheels everyone wants.