Hey guys,
Have to chime in here as I too have a couple of T-62's sitting int he closet for a build one of these days.
As for the Starfish wheels, a better alternative to MR (my humble opinion) is CMD. These are clean and crisp and about the same price. Easier to obtain too.
Turrets, which one are you doing? Early T-62 or late T-62? Are you making a T-62, or a T-62A, a T-62K, a T-62M1, a T-62K, aT-62D, a T-62MK, or a T-62MV. There are subtile differences in the command, rangfinder, etc. Are you wanting ERA or not? CMD makes both types of turrets and there is a resin company out there (AEF, or JS Models, ?????) that makes the ERA.
Scratch all if you are out after an Iraqi or Taliban T-62 as they both had the surplus Polish and Czech discards and were modified (Iraqi's upgraded, Tali's ........) and some were not. But several shots of T-62's in Afganistan (that I have on the hard drive) have some of the more Polish and Czech style of tool bins than the earlier Russian manufacturing plants.
Of course, all this is just minor details for the most sever AMS sufferer amoungst us.