I agree with you in regard to the camo patterns, and I would go with Robert said and use the camo netting, Eduard actuall have a 1/35th sheet of US Camo Netting that should do the trick, just lay it over the desired are and spray thin coats.
There might be only one shade of brown used on top of the sand color and this could be due to the amount of coats certain areas got, obviously some more than others resulting in the fading effect and the shades.
For the Tan I use xtra-color US Gulf War Tan available from Hannants in the UK (but I dont know where on your side of the pond) or you could use Tamiya Buff XF-57, this would be suitable to compensate desert use or if your going with a clean version add a very slight hint of Matt yellow
As for Persons Glasses I think I cut out the lences first from plastic card or used modelling clay then I definitly used thin plastic strips for the frames, its easier than it sounds, give it a try!!
I just saw your other thread and I'm delighted you started it Dave, well done and enjoy the the build!!