I decided to make an alteration to a tool that I think 1/35 scale diorama builders will appreciate. All done within an evening.
Bought one of these paint tube squeezers from the Works book and crafts shop on a whim to see if I could use it to make corrugated tin. It Worked well but it only gave short lengths of the corrugations.

Since they are only £0.99 pence each and made of plastic the next decision was easy. Bought another three.
I cut off the side runners in full on one (leaving the three centre pieces now detached), and one runner to each of the other two (opposite on each keeping the centre section attached to the remaining side).
The cut off runner sections were smoothed off flat and kept to act as joining pieces on the underside.

I sanded the cut edges of all parts making a sloping angle so that the edges could be super glued back together with a good size of mated surfaces.

I used car body filler to help fill in the mated surfaces. I now have a capability to form strips of corrugated tin in 1/35 scale width of upto 2500mm and length upto 6300mm.

You can see the profile achieved with the flattened foil right and corrugated on the left for comparison.

And how about this for my proposed use. Can you guess?

Simple, cheap and very effective. Hope you will agree !!!!!
All the best