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AFV Painting in Acrylics: New DVD
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Provincia de Lugo, Spain / Espaņa
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Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 12:34 AM UTC
Miguel 'Mig' Jimenez, has, through his blog, announced his collaboration with `b]Vallejo Acrylics[/b] for a NEW ''How-To'' DVD. Details of this interesting collaboration, and of the DVD itself, can be seen:

Link to Item

If you have comments or questions please post them here.


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Joined: March 05, 2009
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Posted: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 12:43 AM UTC
very interesting, how can we get the DVD
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North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 05:04 AM UTC
I like it,always good to see a technique demonstrated than seeing it pictured or explained.I am looking foward to this
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 05:08 AM UTC
i wondered were mig would land when he left mig productions...never fought it would be with the vallejo gang.now that comparison mig productions did with vallejo pigments makes no sense at all !
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United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 05:43 AM UTC

Quoted Text

i wondered were mig would land when he left mig productions...never fought it would be with the vallejo gang.now that comparison mig productions did with vallejo pigments makes no sense at all !

I don't think the comparison postings were instigated by Mig and in my opinion was a piece of poorly judged marketing on their (Mig Productions, the company) part.

He has stated in the past working with the folks at Vallejo and if I remember correctly did express his disappointment of them bringing out pigments. Obviously they've renewed their connection without any problem.

Although the company is called Mig Productions I've a feeling his functions and influence within the company became less than he was prepared to accept, hence his departure. But that's just speculation on my part.

I don't believe he is working as an employee of Vallejo but as an independent modeller who's skills, knowledge and experience are being hired by many modelling companies, Vallejo, and Tamiya to name but two.

He's got a blog which you may find interesting.

From what I've read despite the change of circumstances he's found a happier place to be than he's been in for a long time, and seems to be enjoying his modelling more than ever, which is good news.

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New York, United States
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Posted: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 09:28 PM UTC
I have watched the AV Vallejo DVD that came out and I have watched the other DVDs also and in my option the products are about the same but Vallejo makes there stuff easier for me to use.

For years before Vallejo products came out and Mig Productions was the hottest stuff on the market I used it and some times it got complicated for me at least at this point in my skill level. I like how Vallejo it's so easy to use their products in a eye dropper so its easier to use and the paint is used for airbrushes are already mixed is a life saver because there is some times it's hard for me to use the long eye dropper thing from testers to get the right measurements and mixers.

But I still use both because Mig Production has some nice stuff in oils I use for dry-brushing and trying to fade with a stiff brush and of course there resin and aftermarket stuff is up there with the best of them.

Happy Modeling
William DeCicco