Best Modern Tank Kit Bar None? Which Is It?
Florida, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 10:35 AM UTC
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I'll take you up on that offer, Gino, and happily pay for them plus postage.
Great thread. USMC is looking like a good option.
What about the Eduard PE upgrade? How useful/necessary is it?
Send me a PM with your address and such. No need to pay for them, they are just a few pieces. We'll talk about it.
As to the Eduard PE, its not necessary. The kit already comes with a pretty complete PE set that is more than adequate.
Good luck on the search.
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Newfoundland, Canada
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 10:41 AM UTC
I'm building a USMC M1A1 right now its going to be built in record time in comparison to my last few models.
Georgia, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 10:53 AM UTC
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I have built most of the kits suggested here. The M1 SEP is very nice, but takes a lot of time to build. Mine had the lower hull badly distorted and the tracks were a little bit disfigured too. .
My M1A1 AIM I am currently working on had the same hull warpage issue, but it was easily corrected with a piece of dowel rod epoxied inside the hull...a trick I learned building the Tamiya T-55 ( as someone else mentioned another outstanding modern era kit )
Singapore / 新加坡
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 05:36 PM UTC
Hi guys,
My vote would be third going to Tamiya's Leopard 2A6, second would be Dragon's M1A1 AIM, and first to Dragon's M1A2 SEP. Given the popularity of both Dragon's Abram kit, I still don't understand why there isn't a follow up with the USMC HC version? Why not just milk it bone dry?? It would just be a small sprue with all the necessary USMC parts right? Doing so, and if done accurately right, it would have knocked Tamiya's 2A6 off my third spot! Not that I'm not pleased with the 2A6 kit, but given the value for money and the lack of fine details in some areas, and the lack of PE assistance, the third place is really a loooong distant from the second actually. And the new USMC variant of the Dragon's M1 would have easily fall right behind the AIM... Or heck, it might even take the top spot and shift every placement one step behind!
Having said that, I'd say most of the (latest) modern MBT kits deserve great standing ovations, coz without them, we wouldn't have ANYTHING to work from... I don't see myself scratch building the entire M1 or Leopard 2A6, Challenger 2, T-72, or the Ariete tank... Even if I could, would I consider a second replica of the same beast - that would be bordering on insanity! Also without those fine kits, aftermarketeers like me (sniff) would be doing something else instead, like collecting stamps (ptfffff)...
No doubt we rant when something's not done right, or not detailed enough, or whatever (I'm guilty of all that)... But hey, think for a while... why not reminisce the good old days of Sherpard Paine and Verlinden era huh? :-) Where sheer scratch-building days takes the lime light? Heck, we might even be upgrading the age old Tamiya M1 (IP) kit to SEP standard! (GASP!!!)....
Sorry for my two cents worth, but I think I all Modern releases deserve top placements... Even the latest Academy Ontos, given its really glaring inaccuracies (unforgivable no doubt) deserves our love... Like a pitiful stray pooch or kitty that has its hinds crushed by a passing car and dragged itself to your doorstep looking at you with those huge bulgy, sad loving eyes with head cocked to one side silently asking "will you please care for me"?...
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 06:29 PM UTC
As much as I would like to hide it, Bill, I've to admit also that I have taken the leap from WWII German to modern armour or afv's to be precise. My wife had bought me a Trumpeter Stryker Recon Vehicle kit and this will be my 1st modern kit. I'm also had taken interest towards Trumpeter Challenger 2 but it will maybe my next purchase.
Missouri, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 06:51 PM UTC
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I would have to second the motion for either the Dragon M1A2 SEP or the M1A1 AIM....the AIM presents itself a little bit more versatile subject-wise ( in my opinion), but I like the tracks in the SEP kit better. But you can't go wrong with either, and they are a bargain for what you get in the box.
I have to agree here. I have both and they are pretty close to the real thing and you get a LOT of bang for your buck.
C trp 1/3 ACR 93-95
HHC 1/72 AR 2 ID 92-93
M Co 3/3 ACR 90-92
E trp 2/11 ACR 87-90
C Co 17 Engr 2AD 85-87
A btry 2/377 fa 84-85
England - East Midlands, United Kingdom
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Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 - 11:36 PM UTC
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The chally for example, is a great kit, but has no anti slip and many of the smaller details are simplified or missing.
The New Challenger C2 with bar armour has been considerably re-worked, new roadwheels, etc, & does carry anti-slip moulded on.
This represents a very up-to date Cholly, with some simplifications, & can also be built w/t the bar.
However, the bar is all on 1 plastic sprue & is under 15 parts for the bar, lovely!
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England - East Anglia, United Kingdom
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Posted: Thursday, April 01, 2010 - 01:30 AM UTC
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Quoted Text
The chally for example, is a great kit, but has no anti slip and many of the smaller details are simplified or missing.
The New Challenger C2 with bar armour has been considerably re-worked, new roadwheels, etc, & does carry anti-slip moulded on.
This represents a very up-to date Cholly, with some simplifications, & can also be built w/t the bar.
However, the bar is all on 1 plastic sprue & is under 15 parts for the bar, lovely!
I was referring to the Tamiya Chally. But yes the Trumpeter kit is very good and almost entirely complete, except I believe for some issues with the tracks, the DML M1 however has the edge it terms of finesse. Trumpeter make good kits, but the likes of afv club and DML still have a certain finesse and quality that Trumpeter has as yet not been able to match.
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Tokyo-to, Japan / 日本
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Posted: Thursday, April 01, 2010 - 01:41 AM UTC
Best kit out there? Hobbycraft M1A1. Excellent fit, nice photoetch, and great decal. The boxart is second to none also. Much better than the Dragon offering and cheaper to boot.
My 2 cent iocus
Colorado, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 01, 2010 - 03:35 AM UTC
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Best kit out there? Hobbycraft M1A1. Excellent fit, nice photoetch, and great decal. The boxart is second to none also. Much better than the Dragon offering and cheaper to boot.
My 2 cent iocus
April Fool's right?
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Hauts-de-Seine, France
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Posted: Thursday, April 01, 2010 - 06:07 AM UTC
My vote would go for the M1A1 AIM or the M1A2 SEP both from Dragon like most of you.
For information, as i often read that these kit are hard to find, in the 2010 Dragon's product list (see the new catalog) you'll these two excellent kit.
So they would be easier to find.
By the way, the Tamiya's Leopard is a great kit too.
New Jersey, United States
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Posted: Thursday, April 01, 2010 - 12:11 PM UTC
Im in with the rest. Dragon's M1 AIM & SEP gets my vote for the top place.
Campaigns AdministratorNew Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 02:35 AM UTC
UPDATE 4/5/2010:Picked up an M1A1 AIM on eBay yesterday for $40 shipped. A bit more than I wanted to pay for it (had another bidder pushing me up), but still $10 cheaper than from a retailer. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Now I just have to figure out what color to paint the durned thing! LOL
Pink?? Panzer Gray?
And who's got good resin gear and stowage stuff for these?
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 03:39 AM UTC
Campaigns AdministratorNew Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 03:41 AM UTC
They look PERFECT, Marco. Now, who has them in-stock?
Al Qahirah, Egypt / لعربية
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 03:56 AM UTC
Try Luckymodel. They get Legend restocks all the time.
Campaigns AdministratorNew Jersey, United States
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 05:20 AM UTC
Out of stock right now, but I'll keep checking. Thanks, Hisham! shows the sets twice on its site under the same SKU (LF1163) but with different prices. What gives?
Tokyo-to, Japan / 日本
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 07:20 AM UTC
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UPDATE 4/5/2010:
Picked up an M1A1 AIM on eBay yesterday for $40 shipped. A bit more than I wanted to pay for it (had another bidder pushing me up), but still $10 cheaper than from a retailer. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Now I just have to figure out what color to paint the durned thing! LOL
Pink?? Panzer Gray?
And who's got good resin gear and stowage stuff for these?
funny you mentioned that kit on ebay. I was gonna bid on it til it went over what I can normally get them for. At least you got it!

Jerusalem, Israel
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 08:01 AM UTC
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UPDATE 4/5/2010:
Picked up an M1A1 AIM on eBay yesterday for $40 shipped. A bit more than I wanted to pay for it (had another bidder pushing me up), but still $10 cheaper than from a retailer. Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Now I just have to figure out what color to paint the durned thing! LOL
Pink?? Panzer Gray?
And who's got good resin gear and stowage stuff for these?
good choice Bill. that kit has something like a billion parts (approx.) but it's a great build. if you're searching for AM tracks, the bronco offering is great. the magic tracks provided with the kits are a bit troublesome. if you do go for the bronco tracks, do not glue the sprockets till the very end.
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Posted: Monday, April 05, 2010 - 01:53 PM UTC
just my 2cents worth of the 8 Abrams I have built dragon kits are definately more bang for your buck as you get every thing u need and an excellent detailed kit Academy Honestly dont go there Trumpeter Abrams only have the non slip coating going for them and the Tamiya M1A2 builds into a nice kit with all the stowage gear but definately the 2 dragon kits were by far superior than anything else on the market and the Abrams has seen extensive operational use since the first gulf war.
cheers cuny12
Campaigns AdministratorNew Jersey, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 01:22 AM UTC
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I was gonna bid on it til it went over what I can normally get them for. At least you got it!
Thanks, Arnold. It was a little more than I wanted to pay, but a lot less than the Internet retailers, so all in all, a good deal for me (since I'm only buying one).
AM tracks, hmmmm, that's something I have to think about. Normally I sell my Magic Tracks and go with Friuls for German armor, so I'm in uncharted waters here.
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Posted: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 02:37 AM UTC
"AM tracks, hmmmm, that's something I have to think about." 
You will think about it again due to the mounting bars of the armor skirts which are between the upper return rollers and the road wheels.
Campaigns AdministratorNew Jersey, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 03:43 AM UTC
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"AM tracks, hmmmm, that's something I have to think about."
You will think about it again due to the mounting bars of the armor skirts which are between the upper return rollers and the road wheels.
Come again? What do you mean, Marco?
North Carolina, United States
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Posted: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 03:49 AM UTC
OK, you guys went on and on about Dragons M1A2 SEP that I had to get one. Ordered one from Great Models (Never had a problem with these guys-EVER) and the goodies will be arriving tomorrow. I have 2 older Dragon kits, the Marine bagdad one and the mineplow equipped (yes, I know thier short comings). They require sooooo much work that I am tempted to just go out of the box with these. If I detail them, I will have but no choice but to correct those drive sprockets and etc. That does leave me with the Eduard photo-etch, AFV Club tracks, and Legend M1 Stowage for this kit......maybe add the voyager skirts for fun????
Lugs & Pieces,
Jon a.k.a. Filthy Ghangis Jonus
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Posted: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 - 04:18 AM UTC
"What do you mean, Marco?""