Yup, started this on your behalf, but there are others who want the same info.
As for Wikipedia...well, it is a place to start, but I trust Tanknet a lot more.

A lot of the info put up on Wiki is pulled from Tanknet as well. And Wiki's descriptors tend to be too general to work from...191 T-72's, 30 of which are SIM-1...but what were the other 161? Etc....
Also, under APC's, Wiki's list does not mention the BMP-1U's that Georgia had (via the Ukraine) and that Russian destroyed or captured several, if not all.
Not to rip on WIki, it is just a base place to start. Yeah, Tanknet, for example, has 20+ pages of info and squabble, but it is a education too...just very disorganized, as soldiers can be!