Pat, Kenneth,
I hope this will be at least as useful for the modellers as the first one was.
Claude, your tree is beautiful, I check your topic from time to time as I see there is an update, but what can I say what I had not said before? I'm amazing your patience.
Ivan, Rick:
I've asked László Adóba about the cracked earth. It is made of clay (normal, not air hardening), applied to a flexible surface in a thin layer with white glue. After the glue fixed a bit start to dry the clay with a hairdryer and in the meantime twist or shear the flexible base a bit, this will make the cracks on the surface. You can color it after either with pigments or paint with a very volatile thinner which will not moist the clay.

Rick, the yucca trunk is made of the crop of the silver birch (Betula Pendula), soaked into white glue. As the crops are quite short, only small palms can be made of them. The leaves are made of grass, soaked into glycerin, or thin lead foil.