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MLD that's where i'm having trouble that plate won't lie flat.
I took the kit back out and think that even though the directions show th hull roof sitting up on the 'lip' of the front plate, now I wonder if they should just butt up against each other.
If so, the hull roof fits flush all the way around.
I posted that very question, but have not heard a confirmation that is how it is to fit.
I'll try to remember to PM you when I hear, but this is a REALLY busy week coming up.
Start fitting your upper hull plates from the back engine area and work your way to the front of the hull. There is supposed to be a "lip" - or splash shield - on the front verticle armor plate (with the MG, drivers visor) that is raised above the surface of the front hull roof - driver and radio op positions. It will fit, just work it.
These gaps between upper hull plates are what I warned about in my post last week or so - they are there so that the hull plates can be easily removed to expose the interior. Fine if you are building the interior version, not so fine if your building the exterior version.
A tiny gap is OK, as there plates are intended to be movable on a real Tiger.
Take extra care in dry fitting and sanding to get the front-end parts to fit, **especially** the upper glacis plate where it butts up against the front armor plate (with the MG, drivers visor (and that lip)).
Else you will have a gap between the upper glacis and the front armor plate. And it is in such an awkward position, that filling that gap will require some extra fine stretched sprue snuggled down with liquid glue. BTDT.
To me, the only visible drawback was my not being more careful to align the turret roof to the turret walls. If I had it to do all over again...
There is a "join line" where the horiz roof plate is butt welded to the sloping front plate of the roof (over the gun breech). That join line should mate with the turret walls exactly where it looks like it should - the point where the edge of the turret walls go from horiz to sloped, to match the slope of the roof...
You may find it easier to tube glue the turret roof to one turret wall first - to align this point, then after a bit, glue on the other side of the turret wall. You may end up with a gap at the back of the turret (easily filled and partially hidden by the stowage box), but at least the junction points in the turret roof and the turret walls will look OK .