Hello, I'm back
Much work has been done to the Sherman.

First off, I encountered a fit issue; do not glue part G6 (head padding) onto the roof of the hatch doors; the hatches will not sit flush onto the hull. I broke off a piece on the hatch trying to take that damn thing off; that took a few hours to reshape

Oh, and you have to make a grab handle on the hatch using thin wire; most PE parts were glued using Gator Glue; GREAT STUFF; holds like cyanoacrylate(super glue), but allows you to readjust the parts before it dries.
I also tried reshaping the brush guards; I did not want to purchase a PE set for this build; so I'm trying to modify some of the parts to to my liking.

Still, I'm replace most of the barrels with metal ones for this build; I constructed two lengths of link-and-length tracks using the AFV club tracks last year; this build has been postponed for a while due to school.
No other fit issues were encountered; except for breaking one of the rear brush-guards and having to remould and shape it for hours,

In fact placing them properly was an issue for me at least.

On a final note, the turret mantlet. I drilled out where the plastic .30 browning was, cut down the brass barrel (RB model barrel) and glued it in place. That took about 3 hours

At least there was no fumes from the glue

Oh, and if you notice very carefully, there is a slight gap between the cooling jacket and the mg cap

Heh, not gonna fix that
Any questions, comments, concerns? Feel free to ask me.