This is the ICM T-35 Russian pre-WWII heavy tank. I built this kit about 10 years ago. The model was as I recall not an easy build, as it was engineered in the typical style of Eastern European model manufacturers back then. Lots of flat individual panels needing to be squared up and stiffened comprise the hull and turrets. Pesky mold marks and very heavy sprues attached to delicate parts made for exasperating sessions. Each of the seperate track links needed to be cleaned up before they could be snapped together. You can see from the photos there were alot of those babies too.
The commander figure came from the Zvezda WWII Soviet tank crew and helped give some scale to this beast. These photos don't show it, but there is a driver peeking out from the hatch on the glacis plate to the right side of the headlights. Very nice figures that have heavy, almost exagerated detail which helps during the painting.
This is the command tank version and the antennae that wraps around the turret is provided in the kit. Don't bother trying to use the one in the kit, as 9 out of 10 times it will break when removing it from the sprue. I substituted copper wire. Looks about as good as the kit piece.
The paint scheme was sort of subjective as not too many photos in color exist that I am aware of. A pale green drab with a yellowish tint and some weathering gave me the effect that I was looking for. The markings I applied (big fat red stars) are as basic as it gets.
I really liked having this model in my collection as it is sort of "H.G. Wellsian" in a land battleship sort of way. Very cool. So, that's basically it, I've not seen too many of these built up and would like to hear from others that have.

Ed Okun