Posted: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 06:03 PM UTC
Thanks for the info Jim, I'll definately check both of those places out. AND will definately post some questions and comments here. Keep up the great work. Chris (Tiger 1) Carney.
Live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. 82d Airborne Division, Americas Guard of Honor.
C Co, 1st Bn 504th Parachute Infantry Regt. (77-80)
C Co, 82d Aviation Battalion. (84-87)
hello Gents! I would like to know if you think my idea of a diorama will work as in pleasing to the eye and of course logical! I am going to recreate a scene with 1/35 german recon vehicles with onboard troops riding on top of Sdkfz 222 ,223 and 232. This scene is going to be a straight road set in russia during the summer of 42'. the dimensions will be approx 3ft * 1 ft.What do you think and could i put any other vehicles in it to compliment the idea. The Regiment is to be the Totenkopf!!!! regards
United States Joined: February 05, 2002
KitMaker: 83 posts
Armorama: 0 posts
I'm not completly sure about the Eastern front but I do belive that when there were vehicles going that way they often had about 5 to 10 ground troops which of course is taken care of by the ones on the vehicles, but you could add a motorcycle w/sidecar and make the sidecar hold a german officer such as Colonel or a lesser Comissioned officer or the top of the NCO's just so there is visible rank, otherwise the only problem to looks would be the openness of the area i would advise to have some small underbrush other than grass Good Luck
North Dakota, United States Joined: December 01, 2001
KitMaker: 1,796 posts
Armorama: 1,207 posts
My idea for a dio is to have Tamiya's 8 ton semi-track with AA gun driving under a railraod bridge, with a few American soldiers, one with a bazooka, on top of the bridge ready to attack the halftrack. Do you think this would work? I don't quite know how railroad bridges looked in the mid 40's, so if you can help me, thanks.
Cheers for the advice gents! Will post the pics once its' completed!Keep you in suspense as it were! As for your idea Yodaman, i like it. Nice to think of an intense battle situation with a really obvious ending! Neat
Colorado, United States Joined: January 12, 2002
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Regarding your dio idea. Without going into deeper detail, I'm not sure if a 'group' of only Sdkfz 222, 223, & 232's were either actually used in that fashion, or as a recommended form of reconnaissance. I will have to check on that. Interesting idea though. :-) Of course, I love dioramas!
You're a better man than me, Gunga Din!
Colorado, United States Joined: January 12, 2002
KitMaker: 5,000 posts
Armorama: 2,868 posts
Hiya TreadHead, Cheers for the input! Actually have acouple of pics of the above named Afvs' and they should be historically accurate. I just don't want it to be to Still and uninteresting! Think i may have an idea though! Cheers again.