If you'll excuse a bit of semi-self promotion...
I work for Hornet Hobbies in Toronto, a store owned by Dave Browne (multi-award winning modeller and top drawer nice guy). I find it a priviledge to not only count him as a friend but as a teacher as well. He is generous with his critiques (always gentle and positive) and knowledge. Dave has made it a point of not making Hornet Hobbies a store. It is a place where modellers can gather and just chew the fat while buying a bottle of paint.
Anything you see that's good in my models comes from Dave showing me (and hundreds others) right in the store. Yes, the hobby store seems to be vanishing, but Hornet Hobbies is a place where you can always find an enthusiast. We have customers that come from all over the world who contact us before they land asking us to put things aside for them.
If you're in the neighborhood (and that means anywhere in the world), drop by for a chat.