I have gotten my bark back from the carpenter and it is now professionally varnished under pressure., I must say that it almost felt like silk :-) This is now preserved for eternity
I went over it with some steel wool to roughen the surface a bit and put a nice layer of gray car primer on it.
Tomorrow I am planning to put my black acrylic basecoat on it and start painting it (I still must do the figure, but I have lost my nerve at trying to sculpt so I hope that Jan's (GenFaillure) arms, that he has send me (tnx Jan) will fit the bill

Sorry to say that I don't have the DC at home so I can not take pictures

I am faced with a few dilemma’s:
First: Some of you fine people had suggested to me that I should put some vegetation on the rock to give it some color.
I am al for that idea, except when I looked at the rock again, I can't decide where to put the vegetation (grass, small plants ...), I have looked at dozens of rock climbing pictures these last few day's and really you can't find any vegetation on those rocks.
One of the reason, I think, is that vegetation creates a risk (bad grip, slippery ...) so I think that most climbers (if not all) would avoid rocks with vegetation, dos it make sense?
I also can not decide where the vegetation should go, the only place that seems logical is in the climbing path of the climber and for the above reason I find it difficult to place there.

Any suggestions?
Secondly: I just can't decide in which base color the rocks should be, Grey or more brownish (dessert yellow??)