Well, im back at it. Ryan (the3rdPlacer) and myself are working on the second of the Armordata series, this time covering Operation Desert Storm. you can see the news release mentioning the second and third titles here
so as a special to Armorama goers, here is a build log covering the M1A1.
Im backdating the Dragon AIM kit to a standard M1A1. Yes, i could use the taymia kit..but the dragon kit is MUCH better detailed and only needs a few improvements. Im using Eduards PE set for the Dragon kit, Armortrack (Trumpeter) T156 track, and bits from taymias old M1A1 kit. Ending markings will be for the 70th AR, of which I have made contact with many ODS veterans, tank commanders, and all and they have supplied me with lots of great info and pictures!
here is a couple of shots of the work so far:

A pic of the TC weapon station. the M2 is from Tasca, barrel from Lion Roar. Scratchbuilt bits for the soliniod and roller that opperates the trigger remotely, along with the cable. Still have to add ammo box, ammo, and the like.

here is the smoke dischargers, with eduard mounts, and some scratchbuilt details. The smoke grenade stowage box is from the taymia kit, located in a slightly different location than the "modern" box.

the turret so far, with the older style sight housing. Also note the smooth blast panels. They are included in the AIM kit as newer upgrades eleminated the lugs on the top of the panels, going back to a smooth panel just like on the M1A1.

Comments welcome folks!!