old hellhound's been busy on the base for my Jagdpanther Dio now officially named "Never Abandoned." got the rubble glued down, washes applied and drybrushing done. still have to do the powder pigments to tie in the stones with how i finished the building which involves a light Mig powder coat applied slightly wet. here is where i'm after an active weekend:

the rubble was placed in a way that i liked and then white glue diluted with water was sprayed over it using an old Windex spray bottle.

various pieces were placed and buried with the rubble and a flat paintbrush was used to move small rubble around. i think i may be adding more pieces of wood now that things have finally dried. i still have many planks and feel it could use something more back here.

after drybrushing i also applied some white paint to the larger stones using a sea sponge.

this pic shows how the rubble is missing that light yellowish earth tone still... the pigments will bring that colour into play.

lots of little chips of terracotta plaster were added here and there to add some variety to the colour.

the Jagdpanther will have this piece of broken railing pinched under its tracks. besides the bits of plaster i also added the broken tiles and windows. once painting is done i will add some pieces of broken glass too.
that's where i am for today. have to let this dry a bit before i can add the pigments. i plan on have a bicycle added to this scene for something a little different, will see how things go as i want to scratchbuild the spokes on one wheel to get them more to scale.
next up i will be sculpting limbs and gear to turn a skinny, out of scale Dragon figure into a custom Medic for this diorama. fingers crossed that it goes well. as well, more build progress on the Jagdpanther as i get it ready for paint. thanks for checking out the project and look forward to all comments as i am always trying to improve.
cheers, mh.