I painted the 'rock' and added the weathering to it and the seeping water .
But I am sorry to say that I am disappointed

I showed it to some friends (non modelers) and they think it looks fine, but I don't

Here are some pictures and I need to decide wat to do with it, toss it in the bin, repaint it or leave it, grrrrrrrr

The pictures are a bit dark, sorry I took the pictures outside but it is cloudy here today

Here is a picture of the whole including figure and new tree (broke the other one

Oh btw, on some pictures you can see some fine white lines and small dots, these are bird droppings. I painted them with Titanium White oil paint and after painting I went over them with a dry brush to remove the brightnis and feater them in, but I wonder if should have kept them bright white?
Let me hear your comments please